GOLD level facilitator training
Next Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator Training session:
28th April 2025 5:30pm-7:30pm (BST)
Can’t make the session?! No problem - sign up and we’ll send you the recording!
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Ideal for anyone who has never facilitated a drum or rhythm-based programme before, who is not a confident music leader (particularly with improvisation-based groups), and has limited experience leading music-based programmes as a form of therapy.
Gold Level includes:
Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator training via Zoom (2-hours)
Mentoring Sessions with a Drumbeatable Trainer via Zoom once a term
Unlimited Email Support from a Drumbeatable Trainer
Online Play-along Videos: create your own bespoke Drumbeatable Programme by joining in with the activities in this suite of videos led by the Inspire-Works Facilitators. Multiple videos for all 6 elements of the ‘Drumbeatable Stick Bag’ of resources are included in these videos which you can select to suit the needs of your group. Simply press play and let the Inspire-Works Facilitators lead your group!
Facilitation Guidance Videos: Inspire-Works Facilitators demonstrate the different elements of the Drumbeatable Programme for you to then recreate in the classroom.
Drumbeatable Facilitator Guide: 80-page PDF download containing:
Bespoke programme of content lasting up to 1-year
Principles, Ethos and Rationale of the Drumbeatable Programme,
Drumbeatable Programme example lesson plans,
Drumbeatable Programme lesson templates,
Drumbeatable Evaluation Framework (Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire templates (SDQ), Impact Report template, Facilitator Log template),
Links to neuroscience research on benefits of group drumming on mental health.
Discount to Drumbeatable Instrument Packs
Drumbeatable Facilitator Certificate