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drumbeatable facilitator training

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drumbeatable facilitator training Features:

Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator training via Zoom (2-hours)

Drumbeatable Facilitator Guide: 80-page PDF download containing:

  • Bespoke programme of content lasting up to 1-year

  • Principles, Ethos and Rationale of the Drumbeatable Programme,

  • Drumbeatable Programme example lesson plans,

  • Drumbeatable Programme lesson templates,

  • Drumbeatable Evaluation Framework (Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire templates (SDQ), Impact Report template, Facilitator Log template),

  • Links to neuroscience research on benefits of group drumming on mental health.

*44 Online Play-along Videos: create your own bespoke Drumbeatable Programme by joining in with the activities in this suite of videos led by the Inspire-Works Facilitators. Multiple videos for all 6 elements of the ‘Drumbeatable Stick Bag’ of resources are included in these videos which you can select to suit the needs of your group. Simply press play and let the Inspire-Works Facilitators lead your group!

*Mentoring Sessions with a Drumbeatable Trainer via Zoom once a term.

#Facilitation Guidance Videos: Inspire-Works Facilitators demonstrate the different elements of the Drumbeatable Programme for you to then recreate in the classroom.

#Unlimited Email Support from a Drumbeatable Trainer

*Gold level only. #Gold and Silver levels only.

I urge all music educators to listen to Mike Simpson talking about how group-drumming helps children’s mental health, all backed up with medical research. This should surely be part of all schools’ game plans to help young people.
— Patrick Johns, Music Teachers Association's Podcast


Based on the latest neuroscience research, this fully flexible and bespoke programme helps to improve social and emotional mental health through participation in group-drumming activities. The Drumbeatable Programme is suitable for whole-class or small-groups with children aged 7-14 years. The length of the programme is flexible to suit the needs of the group, but is recommended to last between a term to one year.

The drumming activities in the Drumbeatable Programme have been proven in numerous neuroscience studies, and by researchers at several universities, to significantly reduce difficulties in young people such as anxiety, stress, ADHD and challenging behaviour. Focusing on process rather than performance, the programme encourages participants to use the drum as a metaphor to express their feelings.

The Drumbeatable Facilitator Training was incredible! Really enjoyed and already thinking of groups and ways to use in practice.
— Bi-Borough Inclusion Service


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The Drumbeatable Programme works with any type of drum, although hand drums (e.g. djembes, congas, tubanos or RhythmPals) work best. Auxiliary hand-held shakers are beneficial for some of the rhythm activities.

The deep resonance of some drums add to the therapeutic elements of the Drumbeatable Programme.

We can also provide sets of Drumbeatable Instrument Packs consisting of Remo RhythmPals, Remo Buffalo drums and shakers.


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“I've often wondered why people say at the end of our workshops, "I feel great?"

Is it just a warm, fuzzy feeling from having participated in an inspiring whole-class global arts workshop, or is there something deeper going on? And if there is something deeper going on that is doing something positive for the wellbeing of the participants, how do we prove it? How could this be targeted to suit particular needs or difficulties with social and emotional behaviours?”

- Mike Simpson, Co-Founder, Inspire-Works

Each activity in Drumbeatable Programme has been carefully chosen and is mapped to evidence-based studies which show how they are intended to help the social and emotional resilience of the participants.

These rhythm-based activities are backed up by the Drumbeatable Programme Evaluation Framework which monitors both the needs and progression of each individual participating in the programme.


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Using the Assess Plan Do Review model, each session's drumming activities in the Drumbeatable Programme are created to specifically help the needs of each individual in the group. These activities form the 'Drumbeatable Stick Bag' of resources:

  1. Rhythmic Welcome: rhythms that help the participants focus and be present in the space.

  2. Rhythmic Icebreakers: increase social interaction within the group.

  3. Rhythmic Declarations: positive affirmations designed to build confidence.

  4. Rhythmic Grooves: a sense of unity is created when the group drum and share rhythms.

  5. Rhythmic Reflections: uses the drum as a tool to express feelings and emotions.

  6. Rhythmic Breathing: calming breathing exercises to finish each session.

If you would like to use the Drumbeatable Programme in your setting, you will need to be trained as a Drumbeatable Facilitator.

Please choose the level of Drumbeatable Facilitator Training required as detailed below, depending on your previous experience in leading group-drumming and therapeutic activities:


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GOLD level facilitator training

Every year

Next Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator Training session:

26th November 2024 5:30pm-7:30pm (BST)

Can’t make the session?! No problem - sign up and we’ll send you the recording!

Need to pay via invoice? No problem! Please complete this form:

Ideal for anyone who has never facilitated a drum or rhythm-based programme before, who is not a confident music leader (particularly with improvisation-based groups), and has limited experience leading music-based programmes as a form of therapy.

Gold Level includes:

Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator training via Zoom (2-hours)

Mentoring Sessions with a Drumbeatable Trainer via Zoom once a term

Unlimited Email Support from a Drumbeatable Trainer

Online Play-along Videos: create your own bespoke Drumbeatable Programme by joining in with the activities in this suite of videos led by the Inspire-Works Facilitators. Multiple videos for all 6 elements of the ‘Drumbeatable Stick Bag’ of resources are included in these videos which you can select to suit the needs of your group. Simply press play and let the Inspire-Works Facilitators lead your group!

Facilitation Guidance Videos: Inspire-Works Facilitators demonstrate the different elements of the Drumbeatable Programme for you to then recreate in the classroom.

Drumbeatable Facilitator Guide: 80-page PDF download containing:

  • Bespoke programme of content lasting up to 1-year

  • Principles, Ethos and Rationale of the Drumbeatable Programme,

  • Drumbeatable Programme example lesson plans,

  • Drumbeatable Programme lesson templates,

  • Drumbeatable Evaluation Framework (Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire templates (SDQ), Impact Report template, Facilitator Log template),

  • Links to neuroscience research on benefits of group drumming on mental health.

Discount to Drumbeatable Instrument Packs

Drumbeatable Facilitator Certificate


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Drumbeatable Facilitator Training Silver
Every year

Next Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator Training session:

24th November 2024 5:30pm-7:30pm (BST)

Can’t make the session?! No problem - sign up and we’ll send you the recording!

Need to pay via invoice? No problem! Please complete this form:

Ideal for a confident music leader who is familiar with improvisation-based groups, and has some experience leading music-based activities as a form of therapy.

Silver Level includes:

Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator training via Zoom (2-hours)

Unlimited Email Support from a Drumbeatable Trainer

Facilitation Guidance Videos: Inspire-Works Facilitators demonstrate the different elements of the Drumbeatable Programme for you to then recreate in the classroom.

Drumbeatable Facilitator Guide: 80-page PDF download containing:Bespoke programme of content lasting up to 1-year

  • Principles, Ethos and Rationale of the Drumbeatable Programme,

  • Drumbeatable Programme example lesson plans,

  • Drumbeatable Programme lesson templates,

  • Drumbeatable Evaluation Framework (Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire templates (SDQ), Impact Report template, Facilitator Log template),

  • Links to neuroscience research on benefits of group drumming on mental health

Discount to Drumbeatable Instrument Packs

Drumbeatable Facilitator Certificate


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One time

Next Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator Training session:

24th November 2024 5:30pm-7:30pm (BST)

Can’t make the session?! No problem - sign up and we’ll send you the recording!

Need to pay via invoice? No problem! Please complete this form:

Ideal for leaders familiar with leading whole-class or small group drumming groups that are improvisation-based, and has experience of using music activities as a form of therapy.

Bronze Level includes:

Basic Drumbeatable Facilitator training via Zoom (2-hours)

Drumbeatable Facilitator Guide: 80-page PDF download containing:

  • Bespoke programme of content lasting up to 1-year

  • Principles, Ethos and Rationale of the Drumbeatable Programme,

  • Drumbeatable Programme example lesson plans,

  • Drumbeatable Programme lesson templates,

  • Drumbeatable Evaluation Framework (Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire templates (SDQ), Impact Report template, Facilitator Log template),

  • Links to neuroscience research on benefits of group drumming on mental health

Discount to Drumbeatable Instrument Packs

Drumbeatable Facilitator Certificate


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The child was anxious to try new things... However, by Week 4 they became the most responsive in the group, taking a lead in the drumming activities. #Drumbeatable #SuccessStories
The child struggled to express their feelings...  However, the drumming activities helped them open up about their true feelings and feel comfortable sharing with the group. #Drumbeatable #SuccessStories
The child was upset for days... However, after the drumming activities focussed on managing stress & anxiety, they said drumming was the highlight of their week & danced out of the room! #Drumbeatable #SuccessStories
The child had low confidence & was very negative about drumming... However, at the end of the programme they were laughing, had a sense of accomplishment & said they really enjoyed drumming. #Drumbeatable #SuccessStories
The child was very disruptive... However, as the programme progressed, they became more aware & respectful of others in the group, congratulating them on their drumming skills. #Drumbeatable #SuccessStories

“Child C at the beginning of the programme appeared to be quite anxious at trying new things and would prefer to watch others before deciding to join in with the drumming activities. However, by Week 4, Child C became one of the most responsive members of the group and often wanted to take a lead in the activities and use the drum as a tool to express their feelings (both positive and negative feelings). Child C’s positive engagement would encourage their friends to fully participate too.”

— The Drumbeatable Programme at a school in West London

“Child A started the programme quite loud and gregarious, often wanting to be the centre of attention. However, after a couple of weeks, the child was sometimes quite withdrawn in the sessions and unwilling to share any emotions. Over the weeks, the drumming activities helped them open up about their true feelings and at the end of one activity (which used shakers as analogy for feelings) they shared they were feeling sad for some time as their grandmother was unwell. This was a big step forwards for them to feel comfortable sharing their feelings within the group.”

— Facilitator feedback from the Drumbeatable Programme

“In Week 7, the Child B came late into the room with a very downwards demeanour and didn’t join in the drumming activities to begin with. However, when the opportunity came to use the drum as a tool to express their emotions, they willingly and creatively shared how they were feeling. The activities in Week 7 were focused on managing stress and anxiety. After the child played both the Rhythmic Declarations and Rhythmic Grooves activities, they then shared how drumming was the highlight of their week, and they wanted to continue drumming and at the end danced out of the room!”

— Facilitator feedback from the Drumbeatable Programme

"In the first few weeks, Child C was reluctant to join the drumming activities and socially isolated themselves. Over time, they began participating, though initially struggling with the rhythms. By Week 10, they had caught up and assumed a positive leadership role in the group."

— Facilitator feedback from the Drumbeatable Programme