Online Workshop: Brazilian Samba Drumming for 7-11 Year Olds

Online Workshop: Brazilian Samba Drumming for 7-11 Year Olds

Sale Price:£22.50 Original Price:£30.00
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Make sure everyone has a drum, shaker or bell to play and then join in our Brazilian samba
drumming workshop video!

Suitable instruments:

  • Surdo – a large drum such as a tom tom played with a single stick

  • Repique – a medium sized drum with a high ‘pingy’ tone played with a single stick

  • Caixa – a snare drum

  • Agogo bells – double bells or single cowbells

  • Ganza – any type of shaker

  • Tamborim – a small single headed-drum played with a single stick or whip

If you don’t have all of these instruments available, you will still be able to replicate a convincing
samba on most percussion instruments.